You've just stumbled upon the premier system that will AUTOMATICALLY pay you CASH
by the hour, every hour instantly to your Bitcoin Wallet!
You don't have to lift a finger to built automatic income with Auto Bitcoin Builder...
How Auto Bitcoin Builder Works
Hyper funding or crowd funding is the new buzzword that was created to describe the collective effort of various individuals who network and pool their resources, usually via the Internet, to support the development efforts initiated by other people or businesses.
In the last few years, Hyper Funding websites such as have coordinated with regular people and businesses to directly fund over $500 million dollars to close to 100,000 individual businesses and projects, and this trend of venture capital is rapidly increasing in popularity as the internet continues to gain popularity globally.
While the vast majority of hyper funding websites online are donation only and offer little to no financial compensation to its users plus they do not use Bitcoin, Auto Bitcoin Builder has positioned itself to become the one of the first income providing hyper funding joint ventures on the market. Not only that, we're also among the first to adopt Bitcoin as our primary
The real beauty of our Hyper Funding business is that we can automate nearly ALL of the profit making activities as Bitcoin is a truly safe currency. It requires minimal input from us so it allows us to easily scale a successful business! This also limits our losses by nearly 98%!
Businesses are being funded and maintained by us every hour of the day without any need for you to intervene, so no matter what, the profits from these businesses are being constantly distributed back to you 24/7 providing you a consistent source of guaranteed hourly profits!
Our hyper funding network has been in business for the last year and we already have control of nearly 300 different businesses and opportunities around the web. This mean's there is already a steady profit source for us to tap and distribute profits back to you every day.
In order for us to continue funding new businesses and opportunities, we need capital to contribute towards the funding process. This is where your deposits come in...
You choose how much of a funding deposit you wish us to maintain and fund on your behalf. We do the work of funding the businesses for you and the day to day running and maintenance that this requires to ensure that you continue to earn from your funding deposits for a lifetime. All that you have to do is just login as often as you like and watch your cash grow and GROW!
By depositing with us, you are essentially pre-funding multiple profitable businesses for others that we sell and maintain at a profit for you and pay back to you in spades!
Your returns on deposits are virtually unlimited and there is simply no cap on your infinitely growing money balances.
General Questions
How Much Can I Earn with Auto Bitcoin Builder
Our system pays out a total of 6% on all deposits each day. This is paid to you each hour at 0.25% every hour. This is how much profit each deposit will make for you.
What Is Bitcoin & How Do I Use It?
We've setup a complete beginners guide to using & funding your Bitcoin Wallet. Please click HERE to access it.
I Don't Have Any Money To Invest...Can I Still Make Money With Auto Bitcoin Builder?
Absolutely! We've put together a quick guide that will get you earning money as quickly as possible even if you don't have anything to invest just yet! Please click HERE to access it.
Can I have multiple accounts or refer family members in the same household with the same information as me?
Unfortunately, we cannot allow this due to the fraudulent nature of this kind of membership. We know many people have good intentions but others do not and we have to protect our member's for the long term.
Deposit Questions
Why Hasn't My Deposit Shown Up Yet?
Typically, once your payment has been sent it will take anywhere from 1 to 60 minutes for it to receive 3 confirmations from the Bitcoin Network before it is activated.
What is Your Minimum and Maximum Deposit?
We accept deposits as little as $1.00 and we have no maximum deposit. It's entirely upto you and how much money you want to make. Our system is infinitely scalable so we can safely accept big and small deposits.
What Payment Methods Do You Accept For Deposit?
To keep our program as simple and effective as possible. We only use Bitcoin.
Earnings Questions
Why don't I See Any Earnings Yet?
There are 2 reasons that you may not be seeing any earnings.
Your deposit hasn't been activated for longer than an hour yet.
Earnings are paid once every hour. Please allow an hour from the moment your deposit was confirmed. Once it's been an hour, please check the "Your Earning History" of your account.
Your earnings are too low to show on the account stats page.
For simplicity purposes, the main account stats location will not show any earnings that are less than $0.01. This means it will only show whole numbers. Not $0.0123 or $0.0025. If you want to see detailed stats on your earnings, please visit the "Your Earning History" to see complete stats on your earnings.
For example, if you deposit $1.00, you won't see your earnings on the account stats right away because you are earning less than $0.01 each hour.
How Much Can I Earn with Auto Bitcoin Builder
Our system pays out a total of 6% on all deposits each day. This is paid to you each hour at 0.25% every hour. This is how much profit each deposit will make for you.
Withdrawal Questions
What is the Minimum Amount That I Can Withdraw?
Your withdrawal request must be $0.25 or greater.
When Will My Withdrawal Request Be Paid
Your withdrawal request is paid INSTANTLY as soon as you request it. However, most Bitcoin wallets will have a slight delay as to when it is received. This is because of how the Bitcoin Network must have at least 3 to 5 confirmations before it is considered received.
Why Is My Withdrawal Request Pending?
There are a couple of reasons as to why your withdrawal would be sent to pending status instead of paid instantly....
Your Bitcoin Wallet Address is NOT valid.
You need to make sure that you have the correct Bitcoin Wallet address setup in your account profile. It will look like this: 1HPe5Zc85ehLGYDxTpxcV3QSrpLU9RF521. If it doesn't look like that, it's entirely possible that you have it wrong.
You can update your Wallet Address by visiting "Update Account" inside of your account.
Your withdrawal request has been flagged for security reasons.
Although, this is extremely rare, from time to time our system will flag your withdrawal request for review by our security team. This review normally takes no longer than 72 hours.
You do not need to open a support request for a held up withdrawal. Our team actively monitors pending withdrawals and the request will either be paid or returned to your account.
Referral Questions
What do I get paid for referring people to Auto Bitcoin Builder?
You'll get paid 10% on every referral that you register with us on ALL of the new deposits that they make for LIFE. Typically, once a referral makes a deposit, they will make many more over their lifetime so one referral is worth a TON of Commissions!
You'll also get an additional 5% on every referral that your referral makes! So if your referral starts getting referrals you'll be making money with them too! This quickly will turn into a mega cash cow for you so it's worth referring as many people as you can!
My Referral Made a Deposit With Their Account Balance but I didn't Receive Credit...Why?
Unfortunately, we CANNOT pay commission on inside transactions as this is not external money generated but comes from within our own reserves. This kind of transaction bankrupts many opportunities which is why we decided to remove it to guarantee long term success!
Can I have multiple accounts or refer family members in the same household with the same information as me?
Unfortunately, we cannot allow this due to the fraudulent nature of this kind of membership. We know many people have good intentions but others do not and we have to protect our member's for the long term.
Are You Ready To Get Started?